Eastern White Pine Seedlings
The eastern white pine has played a very important role throughout the history of America. In colonial days, the best of the trees were set apart by the king for masts on British ships. Today it is still a valuable commercial tree but also favored in parks and spacious yards—both for its beauty and its fast growth. It has also been named the state tree of both Maine and Michigan.
- Fast-growing and hardy tree
- Provides excellent screen and windbreak
- Transplants easily
Green Giant Arborvitae
Quaking Aspen
White Fir Seedlings
Long ago, naturalist Donald Peattie recognized the beauty and adaptability of the white fir and accurately predicted that its future “lies in its value as an ornamental.” Its shape, color, and ability to thrive on harsh sites has made the tree a favorite for urban landscaping.
- Displays silvery, blue-green needles and light-colored bark
- Tolerates drought, heat, and winter cold